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It all begins with our church’s mission statement, which is:

We exist to lead the one... into a Jesus centered life 


We believe this mission statement is not simply for the pastors and staff but for all those who consider Transformation Church their home. Becoming a part of our Dream Team is one of the best and most impactful ways of participating in this mission. Our church's heart is to help every person at Transformation Church use their gifts and talents by taking their next step. Your leadership will help multiply the effectiveness of ministry so that our church can find authentic connections, grow spiritually, and see the world transformed for Christ.

We think so highly of serving, that it's one of our church core values: 

SERVE (use your gifts): We as Jesus followers have the command to serve. Jesus has called us to serve his body (the church) as well as the world.

For even the Son of Man came
not to be served but to serve others
and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
- Mark 10:45 (NLT)

We would love to have you join our Dream Team by filling out the form below:

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